Explore Our Comprehensive Services
1st Thursday, 9:00 - noon and 12:30 to 4:00
2nd & 3rd Thursdays 9:00 - noon
2nd Wednesday 1:00 - 4:00
4th Wednesday 12:00 - 5:00
Last Friday, 12:00 - 4:00
By appointment
Blood Pressure Clinics:
1st Monday - Won by One Center 9:00 - 9:30
2nd Tuesday - Polo Nutrition Center 11:00 - 11:30
Lab Services
Tests Available in the Office by Appointment
Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) | $10.00 |
Complete Blood Count (CBC) | $10.00 |
Lipid Panel (Cholesterol) | $10.00 |
Hemoglobin A1C | $10.00 |
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) | $10.00 |
Thyroid Panel (TSH, T3, T4,) | $15.00 |
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) | $10.00 |
Vitamin D | $28.00 |
Hepatic Panel (Liver) | $10.00 |
Renal Panel (Kidney) | $10.00 |
Iron level | $20.00 |
Blood type | $40.00 |
Uric Acid | $20.00 |
Vit B 12 | $10.00 |
Hepatitis C | Free |
PT/INR | $7.00 |
Blood sugar | Free |
Blood Pressure checks | Free |
Birth Certificate | $15.00 |
Death Certificate | $14.00 (first one) $11.00 ea. addl |

WIC is a supplemental food, nutrition education, and breastfeeding support program. It serves low to moderate-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women and infants/children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk.
The purpose of WIC is to prevent health problems and to improve the health of program participants during critical times of growth and development. The health department has an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant on staff for all issues and education concerning breastfeeding.
For more information, please contact Jamie or Skyler at: Mail to jamieayers
Mail to skyleradkison
Like us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/WIC-at-Caldwell-County-Health-Dept-694071857660689/
Nondiscrimination Statement https://health.mo.gov/living/families/wic/frauddatalinks/nondiscrimination/
Covid vaccines are given on Tuesdays with an appointment
Immunizations are available by appointment. Please call (816) 586-2311 to schedule.
Those receiving immunizations must be feeling well and fever free. Please bring your immunization record book to the appointment.
Vaccines are available to those with and without insurance. If you have insurance, please bring a current insurance card to your visit.

Child Care Health Consultations
Education programs and nurse consultation services are offered to daycares, preschools, and head start programs. Contact the health department to find out more information.
Maternal Child Health
Maternal Child Health (MCH) is a program dedicated to improving the health and safety of women, infants, and children. Caldwell County evaluates needs within the community to choose a priority area of focus for a period of five years. The current priority health issue is to reduce sleep-related infant deaths by promoting safe sleep practices among newborns. We provide expectant mothers and mothers of infants with education and materials to ensure safe sleep practices for every baby. To help ensure every infant has a safe space to sleep, CCHD participates in programs to provide a portable crib for Caldwell County families who do not have one and meet certain criteria. If you are in need of a safe bed for your baby, please call us (816) 586-2311 or come in to ask us about our Safe Sleep program.
Since a safe sleep environment is a smoke-free environment, Caldwell County Health Department offers tobacco cessation support to help parents, family members, and caregivers to quit smoking.
In addition, CCHD continues to offer hands-on assistance with the proper use of child restraint systems and seat belts. We have three Child Passenger Safety (CPS) technicians on staff who can assist with the inspection or installation of an infant/child car seat. If you are in need of a safe infant/child car seat, please ask about our child car seat program to see if you may qualify to receive one for your child.
If you have any questions regarding safe sleep for infants or other MCH issues, please contact Amanda by email at Mail to amandarailsback or by phone at (816) 586-2311.

Vital Records
Birth Certificates- $15.00 each
Death Certificates- $14.00 for the first copy and $11 for each extra copy.
Birth Certificates are available for those born in Missouri, dating back to 1920.
Death Certificates available dated back to 1980.
We accept cash or checks. Credit/Debit cards are accepted with a $2.00 fee.
Health Screenings
Blood Pressure Monitoring
School Physicals (summer months)
Blood sugar, hemoglobin, INR cholesterol, A1C, PSA, TSH
Lead and Tuberculosis (TB)
Lab draws on the last Monday of the Month, By Appointment

Emergency Preparedness
The Caldwell County Health Department is continually working with the Department of Health and Senior Services towards achieving public health and healthcare preparedness capabilities in the event of natural or man-made disasters.
We are also involved in the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). This committee is made up of members of our community that would be responsible for decision and actions in the event of an emergency. Many of these members represent Caldwell County at SEMA and Region H Homeland Security meetings. LEPC meets at 11:30 AM on the odd-numbered months at Health Department.
Contact CCHD Emergency Planner Brandi Long at Mail to brandilong
The health department offers CPR/AED/First Aid training through the American Red Cross. A blended learning format is used. Students do part of their learning in a virtual classroom online. After completion of the online portion, students will meet with instructors to do the hands-on skills demonstration. For more information on scheduling a CPR class, contact Tracy at: Mail to tracycarman

Smoking Cessation
A smoking cessation program is available to the residents of Caldwell County. This is a six-week program, and nicotine replacement therapy is provided through the use of nicotine patches. Three visits to the health department are required. This is a FREE program available to any Caldwell County citizen age 18 and older. For more information, contact Tracy at Mail to tracycarman
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease) and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. Caldwell County works closely with the regional and state health departments to monitor our county's communicable diseases and health-related issues.
The Missouri State Health Department defines communicable disease surveillance as follows:
Communicable disease surveillance is a multi-component system that monitors and analyzes data that includes – but is not limited to – demographic, geographic, and disease/condition-specific information. Accurate identification and timely reporting are integral parts of successful disease control, enabling public health agencies to:
- Identify contacts who may be infected or other individuals at risk for infection,
- Determine the incidence and prevalence of disease in a specific area of the state,
- Assist physicians and hospitals in evaluating illnesses in their patients and communities, and
- Assist the public in making better decisions regarding their health and lifestyle.
Successful communicable disease surveillance enhances control efforts, such as developing prevention/intervention strategies and policies and responding to events involving potential exposure to communicable diseases.
The goal of DHSS disease surveillance is to maintain an integrated statewide surveillance system for communicable, zoonotic, and environmentally induced health threats and to disseminate this information rapidly to customers.
For more information, contact Amanda at: Mail to amandarailsback
Fax: (816) 586-1038
To report a communicable disease, call the Health Department at (816) 586-2058.

Many Missouri state guidelines outline how a food service establishment, food processor, and licensed child care facility will be opened and inspected in Caldwell County. The following basic requirements are the starting point for opening and maintaining a food service establishment. Applicable requirements for owning and operating a food processor and child care facility follow.
Food Establishments
Please call or email the Caldwell County Environmental Public Health Specialist at (816) 586-2311 or Mail to davidfickess if you are planning on opening a food service establishment. Some initial set-up requirements are included in the following document, but not all requirements are outlined in this document.
Requirements for Food Service Establishment
Food Processors
Temporary Food Vendor Guidelines
http://health.mo.gov/safety/foodsafety/pdf/TempFoodServiceGuide.pdfPlease call the Caldwell County Environmental Public Health Specialist at (816) 586-2311 if you will be vending food at an event in Caldwell County. An inspection of the food vending set-up will need to be done prior to the vendor conducting sales of food to the public.
Farmers Market Vendor Guidelines
http://health.mo.gov/safety/foodsafety/pdf/FarmersMarketsBrochure.pdfEach county or city may have additional ordinances or guidelines. Prospective Farmers Market Vendors should contact the city and county in which they plan to vend their products.
Jams, Jellies, Honey, and Baked Goods
http://health.mo.gov/safety/foodsafety/pdf/JamsJelliesBakedGoodsBrochure.pdf Food Labeling for Resale
* Name and address of the producer, manufacturer, or distributor
* Ingredient statement, with ingredients listed in descending order of predominance by weight
* Nutrition Facts Statement following FDA-approved format (unless exempt)
* Common or usual name of the product (must be fully descriptive and not misleading)
* Net Weight (quantity) statement in both English and metric units
Onsite Wastewater Treatment
Onsite Wastewater Installation and Repair Permits
Please call the Department and Health and Senior Services for a septic system installation or repair permit.
(573) 751-6095
(866) 628-9891 (toll-free)
Fax: (573) 526-7377
Registered Onsite Wastewater Installers
http://health.mo.gov/living/environment/onsite/counties/Caldwell.phpMissouri Child Care Licensing and Regulation
Lead Poisoning
Private Water Testing
If there are any questions about the above topics, please call or email the Environmental Public Health Specialist at Caldwell County Health Department at (816) 586-2311 or Mail to davidfickess